Rabu, 12 Agustus 2015

As long Sitting Homecoming Piles Can Make More Severe

Jacob Gebhart - For long-distance travelers, or hemorrhoids hemorrhoid disease is one of the main enemies. Because, faced with the situation of travelers to sit still for a long time due to stuck in traffic. For those who already have a history of hemorrhoids, it is possible to experience a recurrence of symptoms and even worse its grade. If it were so, traveling back and forth becomes less comfortable.

Sitting too long makes the blood vessels in the anus filled with more blood. But the movement is fairly slow and eventually accumulates in the points. Over time, blood vessel swelling immediately.

"Especially when fitting fasting diet lacking in fiber and wasirnya had relapsed before going home, the condition may get worse after going home. Suppose that had grade 3 wasirnya it should be inserted into the anus with rocks encouragement, could be a grade 4, "said Dr. Panondang Panggabean Spb of Clinic Home Hemorrhoids, as quoted Health Sec.

But for owners of hemorrhoids grade 1 and 2, they are still allowed to put forth their own vehicle. Only if grade sudah4 it is not advisable to drive themselves. He will feel uncomfortable while driving.

Panondang doctor more often advised to consume water and add portions of vegetables or fruit when traveling back and forth. Break is also necessary to reduce muscle tension in the anus. Hemorrhoid disease recurrence when going home can still be controlled.

"Did not we ourselves can feel that ass began to feel hot and there is a rest area, stop first, then walk a short break or wiggle the body for blood flow. If grade 3 ambeiennya already allowed to drive but be careful and to avoid not being grade 4 can usually be solved with a fixed consumption of drugs or topical ointments. Do not eat too spicy, "said Dr. Panondang.

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